Edinburgh Fringe review: Phil Wang, Mellow Yellow

Phil Wang has packed a lot into his first quarter century. President of Cambridge Footlights; two prestigious student comedy awards: appearances on BBC radio and TV. So does comedy fame and fortune lie ahead?
Edinburgh Fringe review: Luisa Omielan, Am I Right Ladies?

The queue for Luisa Omielan’s show could well be mistaken for a line outside a pop concert. Whooping groups of girls come in packs of four or more, clamouring for a seat at the front to be as close to their idol as possible.
Edinburgh Fringe review: Luke Benson Makes Something Of Himself

The early signs were unconvincing. Outside, heavy showers thinned the passing trade.
Latitude review: Alex Horne, Monsieur Butterfly

Live comedy is unpredictable at the best of times, but Alex Horne takes risk to another level in his new show, Monsieur Butterfly.