An amazing autumn at The Stand

Fresh off a massive month of all-star comedy at both The Newcastle Alternative and Edinburgh Fringe, The Stand has keeps their comedy juggernaut rolling with an autumnal schedule packed with talent that offers something for everyone to enjoy.
Edinburgh Fringe review: Richard Herring, Lord Of The Dance Settee

Richard Herring enjoys a well-earned reputation as an Edinburgh Fringe legend. A must see for many comedy fans attending the festival, he has proven to be a consistent and guaranteed source of laughs.
Edinburgh Fringe review: The Worst of Late Night Gimp Fight

Late Night Gimp Fight bring an all killer-no filler show of their favourite sketches for a short run at this year’s festival. This is must-see sketch brilliance.
Edinburgh Fringe review: Phil Mann, Not Funny Haha

Spending an hour in the surreal company of Phil Mann was a wonderfully weird and intimate experience.
Edinburgh Fringe review: Maddy Carrick in Maddy’s Carrickters

Cramped into a tiny sweatbox loft venue, Maddy Carrick fights the intense heat with boundless energy and unchecked levels of charisma.
Edinburgh Fringe review: Neil Hamburger

Neil Hamburger is one of a kind. He’s a must see for any comedy nerds for his imitable demeanor and delivery.
Edinburgh Fringe review: Mark Grist and MC Mixy, Dead Poets’ Death Match

The stunning poetry of Mark Grist and the endlessly impressive raps of MC Mixy make for a death match made in heaven. Eight legendary poets on offer, four on Mark’s side and four on Mixy’s. They are all well chosen participants with recognisable names for novices and fascinating backstories to generate funny and interesting material […]
Edinburgh Fringe review: James Cook, Always Be Rolling

James Cook is on a quest to save the reputation of his beloved board games. A noble quest indeed, and one that the knights that adorn the boxes of one of his favourite games, Carcassonne, would be proud of. In this wonderfully genuine show, Cook freely indulges his nerdy obsessiveness of the world of board […]